A car accident could result in significant injuries and extensive property damage. Those damages are often amplified in a rollover accident, however. A rollover accident involves a vehicle that flips or rolls, causing an impact on the roof of the car. These accidents can lead to the vehicle coming to rest upside down or upright. The risk of injury is high in both cases.
A compassionate car accident attorney could review the facts surrounding the crash to determine if damages are available. Not every accident results in a viable claim, but you might be able to recover damages if you establish that another person caused the accident.
Our knowledgeable car wreck attorneys at the A.W. Smith Law Firm are ready to help you hold a negligent driver accountable for their actions. A Columbia, MO rollover car accident lawyer could calculate your losses and help you seek compensation for your injuries and damages.
In a rollover crash, the most significant risk of injury results from the damage that occurs when a vehicle rolls. The top of a car offers less protection than other areas, increasing the potential for injury. There are other hazards that stem from a rolling vehicle, including injuries from deployed airbags or loose items in the vehicle.
Many factors could lead to a rollover accident. An impact on the side of the vehicle could lead to a rollover, especially when a careless driver runs a red light or enters an intersection illegally. Rollovers may also occur due to defects in the design of the road, as well. Regardless of the cause, a skilled Columbia rollover crash attorney might be able to help an injury victim seek compensation for their rollover accident injuries.
With the help of a seasoned attorney, a plaintiff in a rollover collision lawsuit could obtain compensation for a wide variety of damages. A jury could award damages for any physical, emotional, or financial loss stemming from the crash.
Given the dangers of a rollover accident, medical bills commonly make up a large portion of the recovery sought by the accident victim. These damages can include the costs of emergency room visits, follow-up care, physical therapy, and rehabilitation.
In many cases, an injury victim will be physically unable to return to work right away. In those cases, the injury could cost that victim multiple paychecks, depending on how long they are away from work. A plaintiff has the right to seek compensation not only for the wages they missed due to the accident but for any diminished future earning capacity as well.
Another common form of damages common in a rollover accident lawsuit is compensation for pain and suffering. Identifying the value of a victim’s physical pain could be challenging. Fortunately, a rollover car accident lawyer in Columbia could help an injured person recover the damages they deserve.
Not all rollover crash claims deal exclusively with bodily injuries. An injured victim could also incur significant costs due to the damage their vehicle sustained in the accident. A plaintiff could seek compensation for the cost of repairing or replacing their damaged vehicle.
Depending on the circumstances surrounding the accident, the damages available in a rollover crash could be significant. Once you ensure you have received the medical care you need, it is important to move quickly with your potential injury claim.
The opposing insurance company will move quickly to respond to your injury claim. Thankfully, you do not have to take on the challenge of recovering compensation in your rollover crash by yourself. Let a Columbia rollover car accident lawyer at the A.W. Smith Law Firm help. Call today to schedule a free consultation.
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