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Recoverable Damages After a Columbia, MO Car Accident

Recovering from a car accident can be a slow and challenging journey. Automobile accidents often cause severe injuries, including head and neck injuries, broken bones, spinal cord injuries, damage to internal organs, and even death. If the car accident wasn’t your fault, you may be facing increased stress as medical bills pile up while you’re unable to work. You may even feel pressured by insurance companies to settle before a full recovery, or even knowing the lasting impact of your injuries. If you or a loved one were injured in a car wreck that was not your fault, it’s essential to learn about recoverable damages after a Columbia, MO car accident. At AW Smith Law, our car crash attorneys are prepared to help you gather evidence to prove who was at fault and recover financial compensation.

Proving Fault in Car Accidents

To be eligible for compensation for injuries in a car accident, the injured person must prove the other driver or another entity was at fault. Negligent actions, such as speeding, failure to obey traffic laws, or distracted driving, are often the cause of car crashes resulting in severe injuries. Evidence, including photos of the accident scene, police reports, witness statements, and professional accident reconstructions, is used to prove the cause of the accident. The skilled attorneys at AW Smith Law have more than three decades of experience helping clients recover necessary damages in car accident claims in Columbia. As a result, clients have recovered millions to help them recover from injuries.

Understanding the Statute of Limitations

All states have a statute of limitations (deadline for filing a claim) for injuries sustained in a car accident. Missouri Revised Statutes § 516.120 states that injured parties have five years to file a lawsuit for damages from a car accident. If an accident victim files the claim after the five-year period, the claim will be dismissed, preventing the injured individual from recovering damages. While five years may seem like a long time, many circumstances can slow down the process of filing a claim. The skilled attorneys at the AW Smith Law Firm begin working immediately to gather evidence and ensure accident claims can be filed on time.

Recoverable Damages for Automobile Wrecks

A car accident is a terrifying experience that often results in painful injuries that require extensive medical treatment and long-term lifestyle changes. Losing a loved one in a car accident alters the lives of family members forever. While there is no way to reverse the effects of a car accident, seeking recoverable damages can help victims address the financial burdens caused by the wreck. Recoverable damages for car crashes in Columbia may include the following.

  • Medical expenses for emergency medical care, physical therapy, surgeries, supplies, and other medical care related to the accident
  • Future healthcare expenses for severe or permanent injuries
  • Lost wages for missed time from work while recovering from injuries and compensation for lost earning capacity if the ability to earn wages is diminished due to injury
  • Pain and suffering related to the physical and mental impact of the car accident
  • Loss of enjoyment of life due to the inability to pursue interests because of injuries
  • Mental anguish related to the psychological impact of the accident, injuries, or losing a loved one
  • Loss of consortium to compensate spouse or family members for the loss of love, affection, and relations a loved one is no longer able to provide
  • Loss of companionship, including the loss of support, parental advice, comfort, and other sources of emotional support a loved one is no longer able to provide

The types of compensation each client is eligible for will depend on the nature and severity of injuries.

Contact a Columbia Attorney to Learn About Potential Recoverable Damages

After an automobile accident, it is difficult to know where to turn. The personal injury attorneys at AW Smith Law can help you understand your legal rights to compensation and gather the information necessary to file a claim. Insurance companies typically offer settlements that fail to cover the full scope of injuries, leaving you paying out of pocket. Consulting with an attorney can help you learn about recoverable damages after a Columbia car accident and accurately file a claim. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.