Slip and fall accidents are common occurrences that could happen anywhere and at any time. These accidents could result in significant damage and tremendous injuries with lifelong implications. Suffering from a slip and fall accident could leave an individual with broken bones, torn ligaments, serious head trauma, and even paralysis in severe cases.
The personal injury attorneys at A.W. Smith Law Firm work hard to help injured individuals seek compensation for their injuries. We have experience with these types of cases and have successfully helped a client recover $200,000 for a department store slip and fall.
If you or a loved one suffered an injury due to the negligence of another, you may have sufficient cause for a personal injury claim. Speak to a Columbia, MO slip and fall lawyer to go over your case’s viability, legal options and the likelihood of achieving a favorable outcome of recovering compensation from the at-fault property owner.
Injured individuals may be able to recover compensation for two forms of harms including economic and non-economic damages. Some extreme claims may warrant punitive compensation as well if the liable property owner is found to have been malicious or to have shown significant disregard for human safety, but those claims are exceedingly rare.
Economic Damages
Economic damages refer to damages that directly impact on the injured claimant’s finances. These types of harms often have a proverbial paper trail of bills or receipts. They could include damages such as medical costs, lost wages, the inability to earn comparable wages in the future due to the injury, cost of surgery and more.
Non-economic Damages
In contrast to their economic counterparts, non-economic damages are more subjective and do not have specific financial values. They could include damages such as mental trauma, loss of enjoyment of life, permanent disability, loss of companionship, loss of consortium, and even physical pain and suffering. Since these are often much more subjective, it could be difficult for a layperson to determine monetary values.
A qualified Columbia slip and fall lawyer could help an injured person is by assisting with the collating of damages and estimation of total recoverable compensation. An attorney from A.W. Smith Law Firm could also help negotiate with insurance companies to ensure their clients recover the maximum amount of compensation for all their damages.
The statute of limitations for a claim is the time limit by which the claim must be filed with the court before the injured person is ineligible to sue for compensation. In the State of Missouri, injured claimants five years to file their claim before the time limit expires, according to Missouri Revised Statutes § 516.120.
It is best to bring a skilled and knowledgeable slip and fall lawyer from Columbia into the case so that they can go through the evidence, conduct investigations, and file the paperwork within the five-year time limit.
Individuals should contact an experienced Columbia slip and fall lawyer as soon as possible following an accident. They may be able to assist you with gathering and preserving crucial evidence in order to bolster a claim if it goes all the way to court.
At A.W. Smith Law Firm, P.C. we have decades of experience helping our clients seek justice and recover compensation for their injuries. By consulting with an attorney early on, you can rest assured about meeting the statute of limitations and could rely on your lawyer’s experience to build a strong case. You do not need to worry about any upfront legal fees. Our attorneys are available seven days a week by phone, live chat or in person. Call today to schedule a free consultation.
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