The higher the volume of traffic on a roadway, the greater the chances of a motor vehicle collision occurring. Often, in high traffic and high congested areas, people may want to be in a hurry, and motorcyclists are able to operate their bike in spaces that a passenger vehicle cannot. There may be a greater urge to try to weave in and out of congested traffic, which can increase the risk of danger.
Furthermore, motorcyclists in congested areas sometimes have a greater ability to achieve a higher rate of speed. Drivers of passenger vehicles may be inattentive to motorcyclists, which could increase the risk of collision and injury.
There are a few things a motorcyclist should do following a collision, including taking care of their physical, emotional, and mental stability following a collision. Next, they should acquire as much documentation as possible, and last consult an experienced motorcycle accident attorney. Our dedicated legal team at the A.W. Smith Law Firm could advise the injured motorcyclists about what to do after a motorcycle accident in Columbia, MO.
The first and most immediate thing to do following a motorcycle accident is to take a personal assessment or a personal evaluation to make sure they are not injured. If they are injured even to the slightest degree, they need to call the first responders to arrive at the scene in order to treat their injuries.
Following that and if they are able to without putting themselves at a greater risk of injury, they need to acquire the contact information of any witnesses. The injured party should document their accident to best help their personal injury claim by taking pictures of the scene and of the vehicles involved, and trying to recall and remember as many facts, events, and circumstances that led up to the collision in question.
Insurance is mandatory for Columbia motorcycle drivers. A person should contact their own insurance company within the immediate future so that the claim can be made, and any type of property damage or initial investigation may be performed. They should wait to contact them until they feel that they have the physical, emotional, and psychological steadfastness to be able to move forward. An attorney can assist them in this process.
It is best to not directly correspond with the at-fault party’s insurance without the consultation of a motorcycle crash attorney. Often, the insurance company wants the injured party to make a recorded statement. These recorded statements are designed to appropriate facts, which would be more beneficial for the insurance company. Also, the correspondents in communications with the insurance companies are going to try to persuade them to take an amount much less than what their claim is worth.
The lack of insurance could greatly impact on a Columbia motorcycle injury case. Missouri law dictates that for an individual to recover non-economic damages in a collision, they themselves must have personal liability. Non-economic damages refer to the emotional hardships a person suffers following a collision. This could include pain and suffering, mental anguish, and loss of enjoyment of life.
In other words, if a person is operating a motorcycle without insurance and they are involved in a motor vehicle collision, they are only allowed to collect for their economic damages, not non-economic damages. Additionally, motorcyclists could also be ticketed for operating a motor vehicle without insurance.
A person should not try to handle a motorcycle accident case themselves. It is important to contact an attorney quickly after the accident. When they contact an attorney, an attorney is trained, educated, and experienced in what to do following a motorcycle accident in Columbia, from acquiring contact information and statements from witnesses, to taking the initial procedures to get any crash report that may be prepared by any law enforcement agencies, to taking proper photographs, to doing proper background checks.
An attorney could advocate on behalf of an injured motorcyclist, and they will be familiar with the techniques and procedures used by insurance companies. Furthermore, based on their training, experience, and education, a lawyer knows how much the evaluation of a person’s case may be. Therefore, an insurance company will not be able to convince them to take an amount less than what it is worth. The sooner a lawyer is notified of a collision, the sooner they can act. Call today to schedule a consultation.
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