Distracted driving is a significant cause of crashes nationwide involving all vehicles, including those involving commercial trucks. When a commercial vehicle operator causes collisions on the roadways because they were texting or doing some other activity, those suffering harm have the right to seek compensation to cover their losses.
The recovery claims process is complex, and trying to navigate the process alone is a bad idea without the aid of a respected truck accident attorney. Speak to one of our AW Smith Law Firm lawyers for help after distracted driving truck accidents in Rolla.
Truckers are responsible for maintaining control of massive vehicles, which are challenging to navigate in the best circumstances. When distractions divert their attention away from handling the tractor-trailer safely, they place themselves and others at high risk of severe accidents with catastrophic consequences. The different forms of distractions include the following.
Visual distractions involve anything that diverts the operator’s eyes away from remaining focused on the roadway. Some examples include reading billboards or glancing down at a smartphone to read or create text messages.
Cognitive distractions are mental activities that remove the driver’s focus from operating the 18-wheeler, such as daydreaming.
Manual distractions require the trucker to remove their hands from the steering wheel. That may include eating, drinking, or using a cell phone. Texting truckers is a major roadway hazard because the activity involves visual, cognitive, and manual distractions.
Auditory distractions prevent truckers from hearing the things happening in the environment around them, such as when they are talking on the phone or wearing earbuds. It is crucial that all motorists can hear emergency vehicle sirens and other indicators of a hazard. An attorney experienced with handling cases resulting from distracted driving truck crashes in Rolla could investigate to determine the cause and help obtain a just settlement.
Countless actions or objects can divert tractor-trailer operators away from safely handling and maneuvering the vehicles, and some of the most common include:
During the consultation, a lawyer qualified to handle cases resulting from Rolla distracted driving truck wrecks could answer your specific questions and help determine the most effective strategy.
Truck operator distractions are any diversion from handling the critical tasks necessary for safely operating the vehicle. The actions increase the risk of getting into collisions considerably and may involve distractions inside or outside of the 18-wheeler’s cab. While federal and state agencies aim to prevent operators from all actions that divert their attention, the laws strictly prohibit them from texting.
The rules of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration provide that any form of texting while behind the wheel is unlawful. That includes messages or emails and anything requiring the operator to press more than one button. Studies conducted through the years show that texting increases the risk of crashing by over 20 percent, which is why people who were found to be violating this law are subject to harsh penalties.
Commercial truck operators have an essential and stressful job, and safely handling and maneuvering the massive vehicle requires all their attention. Distracted truckers place themselves and others on the roads and highways and high and unnecessary risk of severe collisions. If a negligent operator caused you harm, you have the right to expect them to pay for their reckless actions.
Contact a hard-working personal injury lawyer to review your case and learn more about distracted driving truck accidents in Rolla. Call AW Smith Law Firm soon for a free consultation to review your questions and begin preparing the claim immediately.
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