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Jackknife Truck Accidents in Rolla

Jackknife truck collisions are hazardous, often resulting in other motorists near the massive vehicles sustaining life-threatening or fatal injuries. They happen when the trucker loses control of a semi-truck after losing traction with the road and skidding, causing the trailer to swing out around towards the cab.

The vehicles have two large sections, making them vulnerable to jackknifing. Therefore, operators receive extensive training to learn how to avoid them. Contact one of our qualified truck accident lawyers at AW Smith Law Firm for more information and help after being injured in a jackknife truck accident in Rolla.

Typical Causes of Jackknifes

Some of the typical causes involved in collisions leading to jackknifing include the following:

  • Inclement weather conditions, causing wet and slick roads, increase the risk of losing traction significantly, making operators vulnerable to losing control
  • Following other cars too closely, called tailgating, can lead to collisions if the motorist slams on their brakes and the trucker attempts to stop in time to avoid crashing
  • Speeding is dangerous for many reasons, including increasing the risk of losing control of 18-wheelers, leading to all types of accidents, including jackknifes
  • Inexperienced operators without much time behind the wheel are more likely to make errors, such as slamming on their brakes or taking turns and corners too fast, leading to crashes
  • Truck operator fatigue places them at high risk of making mistakes they would not make if they were awake and alert
  • Improper cargo loading, such as overweight or problems with weight distribution, can cause the truck to become unstable, leading to severe roadway events and bodily harm

An attorney knowledgeable about jackknife truck collisions in Rolla could investigate to determine the cause and help collect the crucial evidence needed to prove fault.

Determining Liability

Determining liability after jackknife truck wrecks is vital for building a solid case to win a fair settlement. The crash investigation is usually extensive. It may include interviewing possible witnesses, finding and watching video footage, and speaking with reconstruction experts. The claim must establish that the trucker’s negligent actions behind the wheel caused the tractor-trailer to lose traction, leading to jackknifing.

Compensation for Damages

The compensation for damages after commercial truck crashes can include payment for various expenses. The court often awards damages within two groups. The first is monetary losses you can verify, called economic damages, and the second is for non-monetary losses.

Examples of losses that can be compensated include medical care, lost pay, property damage, distress, and pain and suffering. The civil court awards the settlement based on the case specifics, and collisions involving 18-wheelers are often catastrophic. Therefore, the award may be substantial.

Safe Braking Practices

When a tractor-trailer loses traction and begins to jackknife, the trucker faces a frightening and stressful situation. However, remembering the proper steps to take can help them prevent the collision from occurring. According to the instruction provided by the Missouri Commercial Driver’s Manual § 5.4.2, braking on hard, wet, and slippery surfaces may cause the vehicle’s wheels and steering systems to lock up.

When malfunctions occur, the semi-truck’s internal computer senses the issue and reduces pressure to help the operator maintain control of the vehicle. When this happens, the operator should practice controlled braking, which involves applying the brakes as firmly as possible without locking up the wheels.

They must also keep the steering wheel steady while braking. By using the proper technique, they can often prevent the wreck from occurring. An AW Smith Law Firm attorney with experience handling Rolla jackknife truck collisions could provide sound legal advice and help you win a fair settlement if the trucker did not take proper precautions.

Contact a Rolla Attorney for Help After Jackknife Truck Accident

Roadway collisions involving much larger commercial vehicles, such as 18-wheelers, can devastate everyone involved. When they occur because of trucker mistakes or recklessness, you have the right to pursue legal action to obtain compensation. Proving liability requires an in-depth investigation and successful navigation of the complex injury claims process.

Call AW Smith Law Firm to schedule a free consultation if you need help collecting a settlement after a jackknife truck accident in Rolla. You do not deserve to be financially restrained due to someone else’s actions.