Drivers in Moberly assume a duty to protect other people. Most people presume this to mean that they must act to protect people in cars or trucks but this duty of protection also extends to people on foot. If a pedestrian is able to prove that a driver was responsible for their injuries after an accident, they may be able to recover compensation with help from a personal injury lawyer.
A Moberly pedestrian accident lawyer could help you to pursue these claims in an effective and efficient way. Your lawyer from A.W. Smith Law Firm, P.C. could work to shield your claim from aggressive insurance companies and to press demands for fair compensation resulting from defendant negligence.
The core concept of driver duty extends to all incidents that occur on Moberly roads. This means that drivers must always take appropriate actions to avoid placing other people at a risk of unnecessary harm. In a general sense, this obligates people to drive in a responsible manner by keeping their eyes on the road and refraining from distractions, such as cell phone use.
However, specific laws also govern the interactions between pedestrians and cars. According to Missouri Laws §300.375, pedestrians have the right of way over drivers when they are already in a crosswalk as a car approaches. However, the same statute also states that pedestrians shall not suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety in a way that does not give a driver a proper chance to react. A pedestrian injury lawyer in Moberly could work to help plaintiffs understand the protections and obligations that the law places on drivers and walkers alike.
The first step in collecting compensation for a pedestrian accident injury is proving defendant fault. A Moberly pedestrian accident lawyer could work to talk to witnesses, to visit the scene of the accident, and to obtain police reports that serve as essential evidence in these claims.
However, the second major portion of a pedestrian accident claim is demonstrating a plaintiff’s losses. The core of these losses is always a physical injury that requires medical attention. Common examples of these injuries include:
Defendants who are at-fault in an accident must always provide compensation for all a plaintiff’s losses, no matter how severe they may be. In addition to physical harm, many individuals also endure emotional traumas. While these can be difficult to measure and value, a thorough pedestrian accident claim can also demand payment for this lost quality of life. Finally, many victims in pedestrian collision cases also lose out on significant income if their injury forces them to miss time at work to make a recovery. A Moberly pedestrian accident lawyer could help them to demand reimbursement for these lost wages so they do not fall behind on their bills.
People who suffer injuries in pedestrian accidents may assume that they are not responsible for the resulting damage. However, they may share in some proportion of the fault, causing the amount of their recovery to be diminished proportionally to their degree of fault. A Moberly pedestrian accident attorney may be able to help you. They can handle every portion of a claim to protect your legal rights and to allow you to focus on making your recovery. Contact a Moberly pedestrian accident attorney today to discuss your case.
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