If you were recently injured at work, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits to aid in your recovery and rehabilitation. A Booneville workers compensation lawyer could help you file the necessary paperwork needed to start your claim on time to not miss any benefits you may be entitled to.
A personal injury attorney understands the unique challenges that injured workers may face and could help ease your stress during this difficult time. If a third party contributed to or caused your injuries, you may have a valid basis on which to file a civil lawsuit for compensatory damages. An attorney could investigate the facts of your injury and help you seek all the potential compensation that is available.
Under Missouri Revised Statutes § 287.420, an employee who is injured while on the job must alert their employer of the incident within 30 days. The filing deadline to bring a claim before the Worker’s Compensation Division is two years.
If a worker delays and does not file by the required deadline, they may be unable to collect benefits. This makes it crucial for an employee to consult with a workers compensation lawyer in Boonville as soon as they learn they are injured. An attorney could help protect the injured party’s filing rights and ensure compliance with the statutory requirements.
Through their employer’s workers compensation coverage, an injured party could collect numerous types of benefits for medical expenses as well as their lost earnings. If a worker suffers fatal injuries due to the on-the-job incident, certain eligible dependents may be entitled to benefits, including reimbursement for burial costs not to exceed $5,000.
If the employee’s injuries affect their ability to work, they may be entitled to temporary total disability, temporary partial disability, permanent partial disability, or permanent total disability benefits. The type of benefits the worker may receive depends on the severity of their injury and its temporary or permanent impact on their ability to work and earn an income.
If the worker takes time off to undergo a surgery or is temporarily hindered from going back to work due to their injuries, they may receive temporary total disability benefits. The compensation would comprise 66 2/3 percent of the employee’s median earnings per week, but may not surpass the compensation outlined by law.
If an employee is able to go back to work with restrictions but will be earning less than their previously regular income, they could collect temporary partial benefits. The amount would total 66 2/3 percent of the disparity between the wages the worker may be expected to take home while on disability and their median wage before they were injured.
Permanent partial disability would equal 66 2/3 percent of the worker’s median wages at the time of the incident. However, the compensation received must be no more than the legally mandated limit for injured workers. A worker may receive this type of workers compensation if their injury prevents them from performing particular duties or jobs.
If the employee’s injuries are so severe that they hinder them from seeking any type of gainful employment, they could collect permanent total disability benefits for the duration of their lifetime. The compensation must be no more than the maximum amount the law permits injured workers to receive, but would total 66 2/3 percent of the individual’s median income per week as of the injury date.
A Booneville workers compensation lawyer could provide invaluable legal assistance with your claim. From filing the initial paperwork to advocating or appealing your case at a worker’s compensation hearing, having a legal advocate in your corner from day one could ensure you receive the full and fair benefits which may be due to you. Schedule your confidential case consultation with a local injury lawyer today.
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