A popular saying goes that there are no bad dogs, only bad owners. Bad owners can cause many problems with dogs, including aggressive dogs, but good dogs with good owners can bite, too. A dog without a history of aggressive behavior can bite if the circumstances lead to it. Knowing the common causes of dog bites in Columbia, MO, can help keep you or your children safe.
Human behavior contributes to many dog bites. We state this not to blame the victim but to help reduce your risk of dog bites. It is essential for parents or people whose dogs may be around children. Children are more likely to be bitten by dogs and receive severe injuries from dog bites because they are curious and do not recognize the warning signs of a dog in distress. They also are small and often face-height with dogs, which can lead to harm.
While human behavior can contribute to a dog bite, owners are still responsible for keeping people safe from their pets. When a dog bites you, you may have cause to file a personal injury lawsuit. At the AW Smith Law Firm, our experienced dog bite attorneys can investigate the circumstances of the bite and provide you with information about your potential remedies.
Many people erroneously believe certain dog breeds are born aggressive, natural killers, or have unusual jaw strength. Regardless of breed, any large dog can cause severe damage to an adult in a dog attack.
Some breeds are more likely than others to bite people, but those breeds have something in common: their size. Small dogs are more likely to bite, but not because of aggression. The factors contributing to the risk of dog bites are more likely to impact small dogs than big dogs.
Because any dog can bite, taking preventative steps around all dogs is essential. Never assume that any dog, regardless of breed or personal history, is safe with babies or small children. Until a child is old enough to recognize signs that a dog is uncomfortable, respect the dog’s space, and react calmly in an emergency, they should never be unsupervised around a dog.
Breed cannot predict a dog’s likelihood of biting, but one there is one common cause that can. Unneutered male dogs are involved in most serious dog bite incidents. People who want to reduce the risk of their dog biting a person should have their males neutered. Failing to do so is not generally evidence of negligence. However, when someone has an intact male dog with a history of aggression and fails to neuter it, the failure to take actions to make the dog less aggressive could be a sign of negligence. At AW Smith, our lawyers in Columbia could collect evidence of a dog’s past behavior.
Dogs use body language, rather than words, to convey when they are feeling pain or fear. However, many people do not recognize these signs, especially children. They may continue doing something that injures the dog or causes it fear. A scared dog is a biting dog, and avoiding scaring or hurting dogs can reduce this common cause of dog bites in Columbia.
While dogs may be our loyal companions, they are descended from wolves, a coursing predator that runs down its prey. A scared person who turns and runs from a dog can trigger that predator instinct, making a bite more likely.
Instead of running, face the dog, tell it “no” in a loud, firm voice, and slowly back away. This response will not prevent every attack, but it will lower the chance of an attack. Unfortunately, this can be very difficult for children, who often run if a dog seems scary.
You may wonder about your potential remedies after a dog bite accident. In a strict liability state, owners are responsible for dog bite injuries, even if their dog has no prior history of aggression or violence.
By knowing the common causes of dog bites in Columbia, our lawyers realize that even good dogs sometimes bite. Holding their owners responsible for injuries from those bites is a common-sense approach that protects people and other pets from the adverse outcomes of a dog attack. Contact a lawyer at AW Smith to schedule a free evaluation of your case.
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