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Common Causes of Boating Accidents in Columbia, MO

The area offers many beautiful lakes, and when the weather permits, they are full of boaters, including sailboats, speedboats, and other water vessels. People enjoy the great outdoors and have a fun or relaxing day in the sun.

Unfortunately, when boat operators act recklessly or carelessly, a boat crash can quickly ruin the day and lead to severe or fatal injuries. Meet with one of our proficient boat injury attorneys at A.W. Smith Law Firm to review your case and learn more about the common causes of boating accidents in Columbia.

Common Watercraft Crash Causes

Recreational boating accidents can happen for many reasons, and some of the most common among personal injury claims include:

  • Driving a boat after consuming drugs or alcohol, called boating under the influence, or BUI
  • Reckless operations, such as wake jumping, excessive speeds, and any hazardous actions that put other people at risk of harm
  • Boater distractions, such as talking with passengers or daydreaming, may divert their attention away from safely maneuvering the vessel
  • Operator negligence, such as neglecting to follow the navigation rules, such as passing other boaters, using signals, and giving the right-of-way when necessary
  • Overloaded watercraft with uneven weight distribution are at an increased risk of capsizing
  • Lack enough or working safety equipment the regulations require, such as fire extinguishers and enough life jackets for each passenger
  • Poorly maintained vessels or faulty mechanical parts often contribute to avoidable crashes
  • Inexperienced boaters are at higher risk of making errors which lead to accidents and property damage or bodily injuries

During the initial consultation at A.W. Smith Law Firm, our knowledgeable injury claim lawyer can provide more information about the common causes of recreational boating accidents in Columbia.

The State Highway Patrol

Knowing the rules of the waterways, what to do in emergencies, and who to contact for help or to report an accident is vital. The state highway patrol is responsible for maintaining and patrolling the waterways to ensure compliance with recreational boating safety regulations and enforcing the laws when necessary, including making arrests. They also work closely with the United States Coast Guard on shared initiatives, such as law enforcement on the state’s waterways and public safety.

The patrol visits accident scenes, accidental drownings, and other issues involving public safety to investigate and gather data after crashes. According to their findings, the most significant causes of recreational boating accidents in Columbia are rough or choppy water conditions and intoxicated operators. Boat operation while under the influence of alcohol is unlawful and punishable by steep fines and jail time.

Waterway Recreational Boating Laws

Young and inexperienced boaters must take a Boating Safety Education Certification Course before legally operating a watercraft. The statute prohibits minors under 14 from operating vessels alone, and those 14 and up must have their certification. Boaters must ensure the boat has enough functioning life jackets for each passenger, and children under seven must keep them on until they return to shore.

Intoxicated boaters are waterway hazards, placing themselves and others at high risk of crashes. The maximum legal blood alcohol content of 0.08 percent is also the same as for motorists. Failure to comply with the regulations is one of the most typical causes of Columbia boating accidents.

Speak to a Knowledgeable Attorney About the Common Causes of Columbia Boating Accidents

Boating enthusiasts love the area for its vast selection of waterways, including beautiful lakes, ponds, and rivers. Unfortunately, because more people are on the waterways, there is also an increased risk of crashes and suffering injuries and other losses.

If another person’s thoughtless actions caused you or someone you love harm, you must hold the liable party responsible for improving public safety on the waterways. They must cover your financial losses and be accountable for their negligence. Call one of our hard-working and skilled injury lawyers at the AW Smith Law Firm for more information about the common causes of boating accidents in Columbia.