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Common Causes of Dog Bites in Boonville

A serious dog bite can leave you with severe and painful injuries. The recovery process can be long and painful, leaving you with physical, psychological, emotional, and financial damages. Understanding why the attacks occur can help you keep yourself and those you love safe.

Even when you take every precaution, an attack can happen suddenly, leaving you with physical and emotional scarring. When you have questions about the common causes of dog bites in Boonville, call one of our experienced dog bite attorneys at A.W. Smith Law Firm to schedule a free consultation.

What Are the Common Causes of Dog Bites?

Dog bites can happen for many reasons. Some common causes include:

  • Dogs may bite when they fear a perceived threat and respond to protect themselves and their owners
  • They may attack to guard their food, toys, or territory
  • Dogs that lack socialization with other dogs and people may become aggressive
  • When they are in pain, or an illness causes them discomfort, they may snap if someone touches a sensitive area of their body
  • Mother dogs may attack when they perceive danger or a threat to their puppies
  • Sudden movement or stimuli may cause the dog to react aggressively, which is more common when young children are involved
  • Lack of training or obedience can lead to bites and attacks
  • When someone provokes, teases or taunts dogs, the animal may have adverse and aggressive reactions

Dog owners must understand and address the underlying causes of aggression and fear in their dogs through proper training, socialization, and responsible ownership. Additionally, individuals should exercise caution and respect when approaching unfamiliar dogs to help prevent potential bite incidents. During the free consultation, a lawyer from A.W. Smith Law Firm skilled with cases resulting from typical causes of dog bites in Boonville could answer specific questions about the laws and legal process.

Neutered Pets are Less Aggressive and Behave Better

Neutering your pets offers many benefits, including a reduction in aggression related to dominance and territorial behavior. The surgical procedure reduces the production of testosterone and leads to a reduction in roaming, as the chemical plays a substantial role in causing those behaviors.

The surgery significantly diminishes or eliminates animal mating and sexual activity, such as mounting and humping humans and other animals, which reduces the chances of attacks and conflict. Neutering also improves social behavior with people and other animals. While training and socializing dogs is still essential, neutering can significantly decrease the chance of aggression and attacks.

Dog Bite and Attack Injuries

Animal attacks can leave you with catastrophic injuries and lasting emotional distress from the trauma. Some examples of injuries sustained during dog bites and attacks include the following:

  • Small, deep puncture wounds, which can be challenging to clean adequately, increasing the chance of infection
  • Broken and fractured bones and crush injuries caused by the powerful jaw
  • The sharp teeth can penetrate deeply, causing permanent nerve damage
  • Bacteria from the dog’s mouth can enter through the open wound, leading to severe infections
  • Severe face and eye damage
  • Traumatic amputations
  • Skin, tissue, muscle, and tendon damage
  • Wrongful death

Approximately one percent of all emergency room visits in the US result from dog and other animal bites. The wounds range from minor superficial injuries to severe disfigurement, with a small amount being fatal. The common causes of Booneville dog bite injuries vary substantially, and seeking medical attention must be a top priority.

Speak to a Qualified Attorney in Booneville About the Common Causes of Dog Bites

While there are some common causes of dog bites in Booneville, sometimes they happen suddenly and without reason and leave you with severe and painful injuries. The priority after sustaining severe injuries is seeking care from a medical professional promptly. Treatment can reduce scarring, help with recovery, and prevent dangerous infections.

When someone else’s dog bites you, you can initiate legal action to collect compensation for your losses. Call one of our compassionate and qualified lawyers at A.W. Smith Law to schedule your free consultation and learn more.