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Upholding Cyclist and Motorcyclist Rights when injured in Columbia, MO

Columbia, Missouri, and its surrounding communities have warmly embraced cycling as both a recreational pursuit and a viable means of transportation. However, with the growing presence of bicycles on the roadways, there’s a corresponding increase in the potential for collisions with motor vehicles. Recognizing this, organizations such as the League of American Bicyclists have partnered with cities like Columbia and Jefferson City to cultivate a safer environment for cyclists. Despite these collaborative efforts, accidents involving bicycles and motorcycles persist as significant concerns, often resulting in severe injuries. At the A.W. Smith Law Firm, our team of Columbia-based attorneys is deeply committed to championing the rights of Missouri residents who have suffered harm in such incidents.

Protecting Your Rights after a Columbia Car Crash Involving Bicycles or Motorcycles:
For individuals injured as cyclists or motorcyclists in collisions with cars or trucks, pursuing a negligence claim against the responsible party is often crucial for securing compensation for their losses. In these claims, establishing that the defendant failed to exercise reasonable care, as expected of a prudent driver, is paramount. This includes adherence to traffic laws specifically crafted to safeguard vulnerable road users such as cyclists and motorcyclists.

For instance, Missouri statutes like Section 300.347 expressly prohibit motorists from intruding upon sidewalks or impeding designated bicycle lanes. Similarly, Sections 300.411 and 304.678 mandate maintaining safe passing distances when overtaking cyclists. Violations of these statutes can establish negligence per se, thereby presuming the defendant’s liability.

Proving causation is another pivotal aspect of a negligence claim. Given the swift and often chaotic nature of bicycle and motorcycle collisions, enlisting the expertise of accident reconstructionists may be imperative in elucidating how the defendant’s actions directly contributed to the accident.

Compensation for Victims of Bicycle and Motorcycle Accidents:
The injuries sustained in bicycle and motorcycle accidents can be catastrophic, given the inherent lack of protection afforded by these modes of transportation. Consequently, victims may pursue various forms of damages, encompassing both economic and non-economic losses:

1. Economic damages: These may include reimbursement for medical expenses, lost wages, diminished future earning capacity, and anticipated medical costs.
2. Non-economic damages: These serve to compensate for pain and suffering, diminished quality of life, and emotional distress endured as a result of the accident.

Injuries stemming from bicycle and motorcycle accidents can exert profound and enduring impacts. At the A.W. Smith Law Firm, our Columbia, MO attorneys stand steadfast in assisting accident victims in navigating the intricate legal terrain associated with such incidents. If you’ve suffered injuries in a collision involving a bicycle or motorcycle, asserting your rights and pursuing fair compensation are paramount steps toward reclaiming control over your recovery journey.