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Running a Red Light Causes Collision in Callaway County


At approximately 6:15pm on January 24, a collision occurred as a result of running a red light on US-54 EB on Overpass Ramp 699 in Callaway County. The accident involved a 56-year-old restrained male driver of a 2018 Ford F-150 and a 24-year-old restrained driver of a 2009 Toyota Camry.

As the Ford was traveling east, the driver ran a red light and struck the Toyota, traveling east off the ramp, while in the intersection. The Toyota received extensive damage in the collision and was towed by Becky’s 24 Hr Towing. The driver of the Toyota sustained minor injuries and was transported by Callaway County EMS to University Hospital. The Ford received extensive damage and was towed by Kendall’s Heavy Towing and Recovery, and the driver sustained moderate injuries. He was transported by Callaway County EMS to University Hospital.

If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident similar to the one above, don’t hesitate to contact our experienced team of attorneys at the AW Smith Law Firm.