On July 7th of 2024, 21-year-old Jacob M. Sanders was operating a 2019 Sea-Doo personal watercraft. He was in Kinchlow Hollow Cove at 4:54 PM when he encountered a large wave and became airborne. Sanders struck the vessel and sustained serious injuries. He was transported to Lake regional Hospital by Camden County Mercy. The Sea-Doo sustained no damage and was driven from the scene.
Spending time on the water and at the Lake is great way to spend your summer. But when you’re injured on the water, the fun can end quickly. Navigating medical bills and liability is a headache that no one should have to go through alone. If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident like this one do not hesitate to reach out to the AW Smith Law firm. Our experienced team is ready to assist those in need and provide them with the guidance, support and legal counsel needed to get through these difficult times.