If you were injured in a car accident, truck accident, motorcycle accident, or other accident as the result of another person’s negligence and have preexisting conditions, it is important that you seek an experienced attorney to help you get the compensation you are entitled to.
Many of the common injuries experienced from a car crash are injuries that you may have experienced before such as a traumatic brain injury, a neck or back injury, muscle strains, or previous broken bones. The insurance companies will use your medical history against you to try to settle with you for the least amount possible.
Insurance companies also like to point to normal aging conditions as the cause of your pain and suffering after a car accident. As we age, it is normal to develop degenerative disc disease, and the insurance companies will try to use this to lower your settlement amount. An experienced attorney will know how to connect you with medical experts that will be able to distinguish between preexisting injuries and injuries caused by the car accident to get you the maximum compensation possible.
An experienced personal injury attorney will know what you should be compensated for your case and can advise you if what the insurance company is offering is a good settlement or not. Experienced attorneys deal with insurance companies every day and know how to maximize the amount of money you receive for your injuries.
If you were seriously injured in a car accident, it may be necessary to get expert opinions about future medical care needs, your ability to work, lost earnings and permanent limitations you may have as a result of your injuries. If the insurance company refuses to pay you what you deserve for your injuries, you will want an attorney who is experienced in litigation and will take your case to trial if necessary.
At The A.W. Smith Law Firm, we always want you to be better off because you hired us, and we do not take a fee unless we recover money for you. Our attorneys are experienced in maximizing recovery for our clients who were injured because of someone else’s negligence. If you or a loved one have been injured because of someone else’s negligence and are being offered a low settlement from the insurance company, please reach out to The A.W. Smith Law Firm for a free, no obligation case evaluation.