Personal Injury Attorneys
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How long will it take to settle my personal injury claim?


If you have been seriously injured in a car accident, it is likely that medical bills and loss of income are causing you financial stress.  After a serious injury accident, your focus should be on recovering from your injuries.  However, often times, the insurance company will make getting the compensation you deserve a long and stressful process.  It is important to hire an attorney with experience in dealing with insurance companies to get you the maximum compensation possible for your injuries in the shortest time possible.  The timeline for settling your personal injury claim may range from weeks to years.  There are many factors which may affect how long it takes to settle your personal injury claim, some of those factors include:

Injuries & Medical Treatment

If your injuries from a car crash are severe, it may take longer to settle your claim.  The reason for this is an experienced attorney will want to ensure you receive the maximum compensation you deserve.  One of the considerations regarding the amount of compensation you will receive from a settlement is the medical bills you have incurred because of injuries sustained as the result of someone else’s negligence.  An experienced attorney will want to make sure all of your medical bills are accounted for before settling your case.  Accounting for medical bills may require hiring an expert to project what your future medical care costs would be if your injuries are permanent.

Available Insurance

Personal injury claims with serious injuries and low auto liability limits will generally settle quickly.  However, claims with high auto liability limits available often take longer to settle.  This is because in most cases with high auto liability limits, the insurance company will require you to prove your damages before they will pay your claim.  Proving your damages will require you to provide your medical records and bills, expert opinions about how your injuries have and will impact the quality of your life, and what future costs you will incur because of your injuries.  While you are recovering from serious injuries, getting the compensation you deserve from an insurance company can be a daunting task, hiring an experienced personal injury attorney will help ease the burden as well as maximize your settlement in the fastest time possible.


Your personal injury claim will generally settle more quickly when liability is clear, and injuries are catastrophic.  When liability is unclear or it is unclear what the amount of your damages is, it will generally take longer to settle your case.  An experienced attorney will know what it takes to prove liability and damages and help you reach a settlement as quickly as possible without compromising how much you receive for your claim.  You will want to hire an attorney who has significant trial experience as insurance companies know which attorneys will fight to get you the maximum compensation possible for your injuries.

At The A.W. Smith Law Firm, our attorneys are experienced in dealing with insurance companies and maximizing recovery for injuries sustained because of someone else’s negligence.  If you or a loved one have been injured because of someone else’s negligence and are considering whether to hire an attorney, please reach out to The A.W. Smith Law Firm for a free, no obligation case evaluation.